Dedicate A Shelf

Dedicate A Shelf

As one walks through the Stirling Road Library, the plaques on the shelves provide a window into the world of our community.  So many stories and so many special moments are captured on each plaque and sometimes we seem to spend much of our “library time” enjoying the plaques as a glimpse into the lives of our families, neighbors, and Friends. Who are the people behind these plaques? What are their actual stories? What motivates people to participate in the Dedicate-A-Shelf program as a way to honor others, to memorialize loved ones, to inspire the patrons of our library? We are happy to bring you some of the real stories behind these shelves. What a wonderful community we live in!

The Friends of the Stirling Branch Library are proud of the Dedicate-A-Shelf fundraising campaign which has already raised thousands of dollars in much needed funds to benefit our Stirling Road branch and all of its services.  Your contribution (available on three different yearly levels and a Lifetime Platinum level) goes directly to fund the clearly visible need to refurbish our library facility and to support specific programs at our branch, including among many others, a short story discussion group, classical music and jazz appreciation series, and children’s literacy explorations.
Once you submit the Dedicate-A-Shelf form with payment, we will prepare a lovely shelf plaque which will be attached to the shelf of your choice. The Bronze, Silver and Gold plaques will remain in place for one year from the date the plaque is first placed on the shelf. The Platinum donation will be acknowledged on a display in the library’s entrance with no time limit and a full page framed plaque will also be hung on the shelf of your choice.
As we know from observing the budget cuts in other neighboring counties and watching many library branches threatened with closure, we are aware of how private donations have become a lifeline to library services.
Our library has experienced severe budget cuts during the past few years; accordingly, your contribution to our Dedicate-A-Shelf campaign will help our Stirling Road Branch to continue to serve our community and its needs. Imagine dedicating a shelf in celebration of a child’s birthday, in honor of a special anniversary or in memory of a loved one while supporting our library. We look forward to seeing your imagination take flight on a plaque on the shelf of your choice! 

Below is a list of the sections from which you may choose:
​Fiction ​Large Print ​Children’s ​Young Adults ​Philosophy
​Religion ​Government ​Languages ​Recreation ​History
​Science ​Technology ​Art ​Literature ​Travel
​Cooking ​Biographies​​  

Bronze Level $50.00

​Silver Level $100.00

​Gold Level $150.00

​Lifetime Platinum Level ​​$500.00


​​Please click below to view and print the request form.

Participate in the Dedicate- a -Shelf program by filling in the downloaded form and contributing the amount for the selected level by clicking the yellow button below:

Get In Touch

Stirling Road Branch Library

3151 Stirling Road
Hollywood, Florida 33312

Telephone: (954) 357-7550


Contact Us